Monday, May 12, 2008

Just Stuff....

1) SHOPPING. Today was a "badly needed" Monday. I took the day off of work - and Shopped, Shopped, and Shopped.
All those places you want to go browse, the sales you think you want to hit, -- the things you just don't have time for.
I feel much better. It really is therapeutic. I don't know if most people can understand that. B.C. (Before Child) I would do that practically every Saturday. Have a small list of places with dreams of other places I wanted to go. Sometimes I go alone, sometimes I'd call my mother , sometimes it was with a few friends and we went a farther distance too. But it was no schedule, just go, go, go. And that is what I did today.

2) Mother's Day. It was just another day really. DD could not WAIT to give me my gift she made me at school. DH gave me a lovely card. We have been over-due a visit to the mother-in-laws so we went (we haven't gone the past couple of Mothers day because DD and DH were there usually the Saturday before Mothers day -- but Saturday was a birthday party so they did not go).
We did stop at the beach before going to MIL's house. That was really nice as DH tried to teach DD how to "tease the wave". And I was craving some clam cakes and chowder so we stopped, I bought a huge batch and we brought it over. It was a good visit - it was not as stressful as Easter felt.

3) Time. Where does it go? It seems just like yesterday DD was a wee baby. Here she is - 5 1/2 now. She is 49 inches tall (which is an average 7-8 yr old). Sometimes she is so funny, so amazing. For example, stopped at local ice cream place. Her favorite - a Tutti Fruitti Lemonade. As we are driving back home, I inquire "How is your Tutti Fruitti?". the reply - "It is just the way I like my Tutti Fruitti!". And yesterday, as we went to go see DH's Nana in the nursing home and had the great-niece with us (who is 5 months old) who started to cry in the car, DD said "I really wish we had brought the binky!". I do wish I could just freeze moments in time. They are so short, so fleeting.

4) Frustrations at Work. I'm fed up with one co-worker in particular. here he is - getting paid what I get paid. He could actually be making slightly more than me because he's been there a couple years more. He falls asleep 85% of the days for a good 1/2 hour. He talks on the phone with his "girlfriend" that is in the midwest for 40 mins to an hour. Why? She calls in on the toll free line. They have discussed schools for their son, they have discussed every single transaction made on the bank account, they have discussed movies, passports, basketball stars. Gee, maybe DH should call me during the day so we can chat and plan our daughters future!! NO, no, no.... I'll wait until after hours -- when my husband looses his energy and can barely stay awake to talk to me after dinner. this coworker will also not look up anything on his own and no matter how much i try to document things, he will not use the documentation. Just wait for someone to do it when we are at work.
So this weekend, this coworker had coverage (beeper/pager what ever you want to call it). He called and missed me as I was out doing errands before a b-day party. Then my boss called about 40 mins later -- just to confirm if this problem was similar to one the previous week.
On mother's day, we left around 12 noon and got in about 9:30 pm. There was a message on the answering machine (remind me to tell you about why I think I should get rid of this thing someday!) from the coworker. Called like 2:30 pm with a problem. Said he "searched the Internet" and couldn't figure out what to do. Said it couldn't be too big a problem since things seem to be working.
Well, the info on how to fix this is in two places on our system at work. Including what we call the "Information document". UGHHHHHH....
Of course, I have pointed all these things out. But to no avail. someone told me the manager is on top of everything - yet, here the coworker is still slacking and nothing is happening.
I have also asked to have my seat moved because he sits right next to me and seeing him slack all the time is driving me crazy!!!!

I will end this for now.

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