Monday, May 12, 2008

(MORE) Just Stuff.....

So I'm all settled in for the evening after my day of shop-til-you-drop (and mind you, I did not go hog wild. I was very conservative on what I did buy but it's the fun of the search that is good too!) and I send an email to the Softball Coach I've been assisting. He also coaches Soccer and DD has decided that is her next adventure. I wanted to know about cleats -- what is the difference between baseball cleats and soccer ones. etc. etc.....

He answers me back and then ads "I won't make the meeting tonight...." - UGH! I said I was going and I forgot all about it! And now he can't make it and someone *should* represent our team (though out of 11 instructional teams, only 4 teams were represented). It is 6:55 pm so I throw my jeans back on and go flying across town -- and I get there like 7:05 -- but the meeting room is empty, there are not that many cars in the lot. Hmmm.

I think let me call home and ask DH to check the website. No phone. Left it on the counter. Darn it! So I drive back home. And the meeting is today but at 8pm, not 7pm.
So I eat supper and off I go again.... And the meeting lasts like an hour and 15 mins and I'm exhausted but I'm sort of wound up.

I cannot believe I --
  • forgot about the meeting
  • Misread the time
  • forgot my cell phone

I'm just lucky my


is attached or I'd leave home without it!!

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