Monday, May 19, 2008

Real Mothers Shouldn't Pump Gas...

I was so scared on Sunday.
We were on our way to a birthday party and I stopped for gas.
In the 5 1/2 years of my daughters life, you can count the number of times I've stopped at self serv gas stations with her in the car on your two hands. My fear has always been that if the printer was not working, I would have to go in to the store to get my receipt - and DD is in the car seat. I don't want to leave her in the car and it's a pain to bring her in.... So I have always tried to get gas when I'm alone.

I mentioned this to some friends recently who thought I was silly esp since DD is 5 1/2 now. So Sunday I stop with her in the car. And I think as I pull up to the pump -- open window (it was gorgeous out), leave CD playing (Disney songs we were singing), reach down to release the gas cap, get out with charge card, swipe card, start pumping. Sounds ok, right?

After about 2 gallons, the mini van starts moving. I can see DD is still in the back seat with her computer game. I try to remove the gas pump and it's stuck. I can't reach the door because the hose is between me and the door and I can't get the pump out!! And the van is still rolling!!!!!

I climb over the hose and try to reach the door.... I miss but get it on the second try, and open the door - and just as I am about to slam on the brake with my right foot, I hear this *bang*/*thud* sound. I think the rear fender has torn off the mini van or the hose has been pulled out of the pump and gas is spewing.

After pressing the brake, I see the problem -- I left the car in DRIVE! I throw the lever into park AND put on the parking brake. I think what an idiot I am. What was I thinking? I wasn't, obviously! How could I do that?? Leave it in gear like that???

So now, I look back. The van seems okay - the fender is in place. My gas cap went flying but I could still see it. And the hose -- about a 5 ft section of hose is lying on the ground. No gas is spewing - Thank God! They have this "break-away" valve!

There are several men at the pumps near me. All looking at me. I say I must not have put it in gear completely and it slipped out and that my daughter was in there which is why I was after the van, trying to stop it.

The manager came out. She was not really concerned because it is designed to handle it. No biggie - so it seems.

But I couldn't get over the feeling. Seeing the van moving, not able to stop it, knowing DD is in the back seat and the van is rolling to a major road (granted, there was a curb then a bit of a hill but still.....).

I go to another pump and finish filling the tank.
I get back in the car to head for the birthday party. I burst into tears.
DD is all concern, "Mom, wants the matter? Why are you sad?"
I tell her I'm not sad. I tell her that I was scared. She says, "But Mom, I'm ok. I had my seat belt on. I was safe."
I tell her I made a mistake and forgot to do something which is why the van started rolling away.
She says, "That's ok Mom, I still love you. You are a good mom."

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