Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another Sunday

And only relaxing really accomplished. It is hard to work all day, want to spend time with your child and get things done around the house. If something has to give, for me, then it's the house.
Life is to short to fret the dust.... And the clutter... And the Laundry....

So today is another Sunday - but I do have this week off of work. My company is VERY generous and gives us a half day on the day before Thanksgiving and then the entire Friday off too. It's great for "black friday" shopping!!

DD and I had sort of a dance session in the living room. I can't believe it but she knows the party dances from school - like the Macarena. In fact she knows them better then me. oh! I feel old! I haven't been dancing in YEARS and YEARS now and she's better than me.

We played a few different games and we just spent a little over an hour reading books. I am reading chapter books to her by Barbara Park about a character Junie B. Jones. These books are AWESOME! They make us both laugh.

well, off to eat something then I do have to run to get bread for tomorrow's peanut butter and jelly lunch! :)

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