Sunday, August 31, 2008

Growing Up

Why do your children grow so fast?

I sit here - in two days, my daughter starts Kindergarten. She is staying at the same school as she did for Pre-K and day care so there is no change there. She has been at this place since she was 18 months old. We know the teachers, she is comfortable there. I feel secure with her there.

But here I am, thinking this is a GIANT MILESTONE in my little one's life.

She is growing so fast. She wanted her cut short - and it makes her look like she's 8 or 9! Well, until she smiles and she has no teeth - the other top tooth fell out a couple days ago. So we officially have no upper front teeth.

She acts so grown up. She puts things together you would never think of. She has started reading.

And today, as we did crafts, she turns to me and says "Is Santa Real?". Caught me off guard. My response "Well, what do you think? He brought you presents last Christmas, right?". She says yes and I think she is no longer questioning it. But I wonder what brought this up? Is she already doubting it on her own? We were watching a Scooby Doo movie (that had nothing to do with Christmas and doing Perler bead ornaments for family members for Christmas -- so perhaps that is why Christmas was on the mind.

Later this afternoon, I took her to the playground at the park. She played with a large group of kids - mostly older than her by a couple of years. The group consisted of all ethnic groups. I was proud watching her play with them because they were all children who wanted to play and nothing else matter. Just goes to show you prejudice is a learned trait.

My baby is growing up.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Creativity Feels GOOD!

It feels good to have the "creativity" juices flowing.
I have been scrapping again. I got a few pages done at home and today, I took a vaca day from work and went to a crop at the local shop with a friend. It really does feel good to be creative.

Search for colors. Look at designs. Play with layouts. And when you are done, you have an heirloom to remember something special by.

I'm working on pictures from our DisneyWorld trip in December 2007. I'm working on the autographs - I'm taking them out of the autograph book and scrapping them onto 8x8 pages along with photos, stickers, etc.

I wish I could find more time to go to crops. It was great to be creative and have fun with new scrapping friends.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just a Weekend.

What a weekend!
We had our first Soccer practice/scrimmage. DD did great! No attitude when she missed or did not run as fast as the others. When the "guest" coach (the actual soccer player from Europe - Oh WHAT AN ACCENT!) asked basic questions, guess who answered them all? Yes, my "shy" DD. LOL
From there we went directly to a birthday swimming b-day party/afternoon. Our friend had two parties actually - one for the school friends, one for the family. We caught only the very end of the school party and then stayed for the family one (even helped move stuff back home in the van).
Needless to say, this meant we left the house at 11 am and got home at 8 pm.

Today, we had the Softball League "banquet" -- which was really a picnic since they had 356 girls participating in the league. Hamburgs, hotdogs, macaroni salad, pasta salad, chips and watermelon. And they charged $15 per person. Luckily, players are free and as an assistant coach, I got the second "team" free ticket. DD did not know there was going to be trophies. I wanted to surprise her. Of course, this almost backfired....
She was still exhausted from yesterday. And that meant she was miserable this morning. The picnic/banquet started at 11 am. I also have coverage for work and was working on problems from about 7:30 am to 10:20 am. So me feeling we have to rush (shower and still get ready) and her overtired, well, it was a horrible scene. She didn't want to go because she got a new Leapster game yesterday and she was so into playing it this morning. I told her some of her teammates would be there but she didn't care. I know it was overtired and trying to overcontrol -- but still. I told her there was a surprise at the banquet. Told her perhaps a present. When she saw the table of trophies she was a bit in awe and when she ever got hers, she was ecstatic! The smile was ear to ear.

We came home and she went into the pool while dad work outside.
I needed alone time.
Quiet time.
I had all intentions of going in the pool in a bit. I went into the bedroom, turned on the a/c, cooled off and thought I'd watch a show and then go outside - but I fell asleep.
When I awoke, she was done swimming.

I feel like I did not get "rest" time this weekend. Perhaps next weekend.....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

5 Year Old Loses 5th Tooth.... At Camp

Yes, DD lost yet another tooth. In one year she has lost 5 teeth! DH seems concerned but I know I had lost several by the time I was her age also.

For some reason, this made me sad. I'm not sure why. Perhaps the lost of another tooth indicates that she is truly growing up and she's not my baby anymore. She is getting so tall that it is getting harder to snuggle with her in a chair. She must be over 50" tall now. She talks so well - has such deep thoughts at time. She has started reading (Mind you, she has not started Kindergarten yet). She even uses deductive reasoning.

Your kids grow up and it's supposed to be a good thing. But it does leave a sad spot.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"It's Okay, Don't Worry About It".... NOT

I heard myself utter these words the other day. And I really didn't mean it. But I didn't want the person to feel bad. But it hurts not to be remembered.

No wonder men have such a problem understanding us women.

I'm talking about my wedding anniversary. It was Friday. Last year, both hubby and I forgot the date. Life is just too hectic sometimes. When he realized he missed the date, I think he was ready for me to be mad but how could I? I had forgotten it too.

Perhaps forgotten is the wrong word. With life feeling hectic and days just blending one into another, I had not realized we were at August 15th.

This year, I did *notice* the date a couple days before. I went and got DH a card and a gift card. That morning, he says "Aren't you a day early? It's tomorrow, isn't it?" I tell him no. He apologizes for not having anything and I say "It's Okay, Don't Worry About It.".

Did I say it because I mean it? No, I said it to hide my hurt and to not make him feel worst than he already was. I could tell from his apology he felt bad about it.

Every person wants to be remembered. Be thought of. Not necessarily by a present but shown the thoughtfulness that makes a person feel special.

Too bad we can't just say that outright.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tooth Number 4 - GONE - and other stuff

Yes, yet another tooth has left.
Thursday evening just before bed time, another of DD's tooth decided to come out. Boy oh boy - I give the Tooth Fairy credit. She probably has her route all laid out and then at 8pm, out comes another tooth for a boy or girl. Now she has to juggle her schedule to get to everyone that night. Glad I don't have her job.

I have been on vacation from work for a week and 1/2 and I really don't want to go back on Monday but unless I win the lottery tonight, I guess I won't have a choice. I should have married for money. It might not "buy" happiness but it could sure make things easier.

On vacation, DD, our good friend Kiki and her DD went away to NH to a yarn conference. We took a couple of classes and my DD behaved while I was in class. We also did Canobie Lake Park. That was a great day. It wasn't too hot or humid. There is an awesome breeze throughout the park. We got back mid-week but I still took days off of work. Of course I had visions of grandeur of things I could get done but all i have done is play with DD and take her places. I know - she is this age only once. And I waited so long for her that I want to spend time with her but then when do I get anything accomplished? I guess I just can't juggle well.