Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lazy Sunday & the beginning of a new week

Another Lazy day. I guess we were due. We haven't had NOTHING to do on a weekend in eons.

We all sort of did our own thing today. Watched some movies, did some webkinz, played some other pc games.

I did leave the house - I went grocery shopping. I had to.
I am going to try to make dinners. We have been ordering out so often. Everything is going up in price. It is costing $50 now to fill the mini-van! Of course, the salary did not go up to accommodate $3.20 a gallon gas or $4.29 a gallon milk. So I have to do something. I'll start with trying to make dinners.

Its not that I dislike cooking. I just get in from work and really need a few minutes to unwind. But I rarely get it. I try. But I will try harder, get over the hump, and move forward.

A friend of mine is looking to change her bad habits. She has even gotten back into her scrapbooking. If only i can get some areas organized so I can have space to do the same. I'm hoping her achievements will be inspiration from me.

So dinner tomorrow will be the crock meal I have been wanting to do for a bit. Which means I just need a few minutes in the morning to get it started and it can cook all day.

I know I accomplished a bit this weekend but there always seems so much to do that did not get down. I need to learn to accept the small steps and pat myself on the back. Not to just look at what did not get done.

Here's to a new week......

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