Saturday, March 1, 2008

Weekend is half over.

Why do weekends seem to just fly by? I think we need longer weekends.

I'm on call this weekend for work and they are doing a "disaster recovery" test. I'm hoping I don't have to actually go in but you never know.

Today was DD's last ice skating lesson. She tested last week and got her her first "Learn to Skate" badge. Today was basically a free skate. There are a few sessions available during the spring and summer but the cost is higher than if we wait for September and do the "city lessons" again. Of course now, DD is in love with skating and saying how much she will miss it. So different than 4 or 5 weeks ago when all she did was cry because she just wanted to do "free skate" and not listen to the coaches.

Someone told me that 2's were not terrible, nor were 3's or 4's. They said for some reason girls when they turn 5 - that was the hardest. And so far, I must completely agree. I feel at times I have no clue how to react or what to do next.

I think I will go crochet for a bit. Maybe it'll relax me some.

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