Wednesday, March 5, 2008

To Shop, To Ramble and then To Sleep....

Well, yesterday ended up being hectic.
First, I heard of a sale at the Liz Claiborne outlet out on Cape Cod. I had to check it out. I was told pants for work were $4.99 a pair. But when would I get there? I decided to take 1/2 a vacation day and off I went with a friend. An hour ride, 2 hours of shopping and an hour ride back. I got 27 items for a grand total of $113! I have not bought clothes like that since before my daughter was born!
Then I go to pick up DD from Pre-kindergarten, she had been complaining her ears hurt. She had a fever the previous week along with a horrible cough. There have been a few horrible viral infections going around her school. So I treated at home and saved a trip to the doctors. Fever left but the cough has been there. Pre-K is near the doctor's office. I called immediately hoping not to have to go home then back out -- but no luck. We came home for an hour and had to go to the doctors office. And sure enough, ear infection.
On top of that, the past two nights, I have had a HORRIBLE time trying to fall asleep. I don't know what it is. It might be because it's been warmer outside and therefore warmer in side and don't really need the blanket. It might be my leg has been achy when I get into bed (but I don't notice it until I get into bed). I feel like I just have not slept much.
Wish me luck Tonight. I hope to fall asleep right away.

Sorry if this seems a bit here, a bit there, a bit everywhere.... but I think it's the lack of sleep controlling my fingers as I type!

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